Computer Security Beaver Works Summer Institute’s four-week Computer Security course is a wide-ranging survey of computing systems, the threats they face, and the way those threats are addressed. Starting at vacuum tubes, students will get a whirlwind tour of everything . . .
The BWSI Version Control:Git and GitHub course provides students with an introduction to the motivation for version control and introduces the software tool GIT as a version control method. This course is required for multiple BWSIx courses including: Autonomous Air . . .
This course will introduce students to the process of game design with the application of Artificial Intelligence to game play. Very specifically, the course will focus on unconventional approaches to understand and address real world problems (e.g., designing a game . . .
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to remote sensing in disaster response. What is remote sensing? How does it overlap with disaster response and recovery? By completing this course, students will have an idea for whether they would . . .
Welcome to the Beaverwork Summer Institute (BWSI) Unamnned Aerial System Synthetic Aperture Radar (UAS-SAR) online course! We’re looking forward to helping you all learn about radar and its applications, specifically that of SAR. Please be sure to read the “Introduction” . . .
Welcome to the BWSI Medlytics online course! Here are the topics we will be covering: Introduction to Working with Medical Data Coding Primer: Python, Git, and Jupyter* Probability and Statistics Machine Learning There are a total of 5 modules covering . . .
Welcome! Embedded Security and Hardware Hacking – MITRE Project Beaver Works Summer Institute will cover several cybersecurity topics with a focus on threats that are especially concerning for embedded systems. These topics include cryptography, embedded systems, software security, side-channel analysis, . . .
This course will arm students with the fundamentals and a practical working knowledge of the building blocks of today’s electronic world—knowledge that will benefit the student no matter what technical discipline they decide to pursue academically. Students will receive hands-on . . .
BWSI Online (Prerequisite) Course Selections:
What Courses can I do?
What if I change my mind about a prefered course?
Once registered on all courses shown are available for students to work on.
Pick a Course, check what other modules may be required (like Python Core), each course has its own piazza discussion forum.
If you want to try a new course- try it! Its up to you, you may find a topic that is even more interesting to you than your first choice.
IMPORTANT: you must complete the required modules in your 1st choice course that you select on the BWSI Application form in March.
Note: BWSI Python Core is required for all of the autonomous systems courses as well as others- please be sure to check in the course for complete information.
We hope that you take advantage of these courses to learn and hope to see you in July during our virtual summer program.
Each course has a Piazza link that provides the discussion forum that is moderated by instructors and staff