Featured Courses

BWSI Online (Prerequisite) Course Selections:

What Courses can I do?

What if I change my mind about a prefered course?

Once registered on bwsix.edly.io all courses shown are available for students to work on.

Pick a Course, check what other modules may be required (like Python Core), each course has its own piazza discussion forum.

If you want to try a new course- try it!  Its up to you, you may find a topic that is even more interesting to you than your first choice.

IMPORTANT: you must complete the required modules in your 1st choice course that you select on the BWSI Application form in March.

Note: BWSI Python Core is required for all of the autonomous systems courses as well as others- please be sure to check in the course for complete information.

Our online courses

We hope that you take advantage of these courses to learn and hope to see you in July during our virtual summer program.


Each course has a Piazza link that provides the discussion forum that is moderated by instructors and staff