Welcome to the online course for the RACECAR program, a part of MIT Beaver Works Summer Institute. This online course is one of the prerequisites to apply for the RACECAR program in the summer. The online curriculum presented here is designed to prepare students for the 4-week summer course. It will contain most of the foundational concepts that will be built upon later on.
The course will be paced out by the instructional team to make sure students are taking the time to learn the material and be prepared for the summer program
In addition to the RACECAR online course, students must complete the Python Core and Version Control: Git and Github courses available via the BWSIX dashboard. It is recommend you follow the RACECAR course, which will have specific sections notifying you when to start the auxiliary courses.
Important Note: The RACECAR program requires that you complete the following three online courses before we can consider your application for the summer:
Autonomous RACECAR (This course)
BWSI Python Core
BWSI Version Control: Git and Github