Cyber Operations 2025

Computer Security Beaver Works Summer Institute’s four-week Computer Security course is a wide-ranging survey of computing systems, the threats they face, and the way those threats are addressed. Starting at vacuum tubes, students will get a whirlwind tour of everything that makes up a modern computer. Building on that foundation, the course will touch on a variety of topics including human factors, cryptography, networking, software reverse-engineering, and side channels. Where possible, hands-on examples and exercises will complement the work along the way. The course will touch on how those technologies and issues apply to various nontraditional computing environments, such as industrial control systems and satellites. A capstone project will make up the bulk of the final week. Interested students should have passing familiarity with the Linux operating system and use of the command line (Terminal), broad interest in cybersecurity, and a willingness to poke and prod at a variety of topics
Course Information
  • Type: Self-paced
  • Start Date: Feb 03, 2025
  • End Date: Dec 01, 2025
  • Duration: 43 Weeks
Course Instructor